Advertising in the PAMJ
10 Feb 2021 / Information

The PAMJ is an open-access publisher, with three journals. The PAMJ is a general medical journal, the PAMJ Clinical Medicine publishes articles in clinical medicine while the PAMJ One Health publishes articles from the field of chronic disease, non-communicable diseases, and veterinary medicine.
The Pan African Medical Journal (PAMJ) accepts advertisements from institutions, private, public organizations, etc.… The advertisement should be of a medical, educational, or health-related nature. Companies advertising on PAMJ mostly target Africa and included: job advertisers, conference organizers, medical software companies, product manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, medical book publishers, universities, and hospitals.
Understanding our audience
Our audience consists mainly of medical doctors/practicing physicians, medical students, policymakers, and public health professionals.
According to Google Analytics, the PAMJ received more than 160,000 pageviews from closed to 40,000 unique visitors in 2020. Most of our visitors (50% are from Africa). The table below summarizes the breakdown of our page views by regions of Africa are below:
Total Pageviews |
Percentage of Africa PageViews |
North Africa |
24,500 |
41 |
Western Africa |
17600 |
29 |
Eastern Africa |
9300 |
16 |
Middle Africa |
5800 |
10 |
Southern Africa |
2500 |
4 |
Our visitors come primarily, in decreasing order, from North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt), Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, and Ghana.
Your ads posted on PAMJ will be seen by more than 12,000 medical professionals who access the journal portal every month.
Ads specifications
There are two types of ads that can be placed on the PAMJ website.
- The top horizontal ads banner (width: 700 px, Height: 110px)
- The middle square banner (width: 365px, height: 230 px)
The banners should be provided by the client or designed with the support of the PAMJ design team.
We charged fixed price rates for ads in PAMJ. The cost of advertising varies with the position and how long the ads will be posted.
Measuring ads reach
The PAMJ provides an Ads Reach Report to the ads sponsor. The report summarizes the ads access: access by day/week/month by geographical areas.
For more about advertising with the PAMJ
Contact the PAMJ for more details:

Pan African Medical Journal
This article is published by the editorial office of the PAMJ (KENYA)